{{ site.data.settings.title }} | {{ site.data.settings.tagline }} Sandip Das


Hello! I am Sandip Das and thanks for checking out my little space on the web. My recent focus has been on solutioning simple solutions to complex problems using distributed computing technology disruptions and applying proven architectural patterns. I am particularly interested in working on data intensive applications that demand scalability.

In addition, I enjoy sharing my passion with others through organizing Hackathons at my organization.


A novel experiment to perform C# project's source code analysis and store the outcome into Neo4j graph DB for visualization later. This is the first step to generate flow diagrams from legacy source code.

Project specific tool for automatic boilerplate code generation. This tool is a node cli that is intended to be used as a development tool for specific project type. It uses Handlebars and numerous other packages in order to generate the boilerplate code.

Arsenal of Powershell Pester based Factory scripts to peform Post Deployment Validation in any deployment pipeline.

Tool to easily take the backup of current RabbitMQ queue snapshot as well as instantaneously restore from a file based backup

React Visualization of .NET source code workflows derived from annotated repositories through Roslyn based analysis. Sort of trying to create a platform to chart out a view to show different system integrations with an intention for business presentations and which any Stakeholder like Developers, PMs, Product owners , QA, BAs can use to meet their day to day tasks requirements.